Sports Premium
The Primary PE and Sport Premium is a government-backed funding initiative aimed at helping primary schools across England improve their physical education and sport provisions. Schools receive the PE and Sport Premium funding based on the number of pupils in years 1 to 6. From October 2017, the grant was doubled to £16,000 per school with a further £10 per pupil.
In order to access expertise and appropriate support, Littletown School has commissioned Legacy Sport to facilitate our fully funded after school sports clubs, which are available to all children. Legacy Sport provide specialist sport coaches and work in collaboration with key partners to create innovative, efficient programmes of PE, Sport and Health for young people.
Please see the documents below, which illustrate how we have spent this funding and the positive impact this has had on our pupils' engagement in PE and Sport.
Sports Premium Funding Report 2022/2023
Swimming Statistics 2023/2024 - Coming Soon
Littletown PE Vision Statement:
To support excellence in PE through promoting healthy active lifestyles, engaging in competitive activities and developing determination to excel in a broad range of PE.
Priority 1: Further enhance the quality of delivery, of curriculum P.E.
Action 1: A dedicated, fully qualified Legacy Sport coach will deliver 3 hours of curriculum PE per week. This will increase the subject knowledge of the class teacher, as well as build their confidence toward their delivery of PE
Priority 2: Develop Physical Literacy
Action 2: Through PE lessons (with and without Legacy Sport), children will practise and refine skills to develop agility, balance and co-ordination.
Teachers will observe lessons delivered by Legacy Sport, allowing them more confidence at facilitating this development.
Focusing on agility, balance and co-ordination, with the aim to build children's confidence and develop this into further participation of PE and Sport throughout school and later life.
Through 'Dancing with Dyspraxia' sessions (4 x per week) to develop gross and fine motor skills.
Through the delivery of 'Funky Fingers & Fancy Feet' to develop fine motor skills (in Early Years & Key Stage 1 setting)
Speed up Writing - a specialist provision to strengthen wrist and hand muscle, that will enhance letter formation, flow and pace of their writing.
Tedorescu - an Occupational Therapist recommended specialist intervention programme to develop fine motor skills and early mark making.
Priority 3: CPD and further training for staff.
Action 3: Training days to be delivered by Legacy Sport and their key partners (YST, NGBs, Kirklees PE Consultant), to increase teachers knowledge and understanding, motivate and enhance the standard of PE within Littletown.
Priority 1: Enhance childrens knowledge and understanding of a healthy lifestyle, helping to inform key decisions in later life.
Action 1: Legacy Sport will run the 'Active Habits4Life' Health Programme, where children will be taught the key points on nutrition and exercise. As a school we dedicate a whole week each year to focus on sport and healthy living.
Priority 2: Increase the confidence and engage children who are less active, in additional activity sessions and, subsequently improve health.
Action 2: Targeted children to participate in a Change4Life, fun based activity club, run by Legacy Sport and PE Co-ordinator. Target children are encouraged via parental consultation to attend after school clubs.
Priority 3: Increase participation and awareness of on the road safety, providing a lifelong skill through a skill based programme and promoting sustainable travel and healthy lifestyle.
Action 3: Bikeability to be delivered by Legacy Sport, to Year 5/6 children.
Priority 1: Ensure maximum participation, in the calendar of competition at Level 2 of the School Games (Events organised by Legacy Sport).
Action 1: Assess all transport options, in order to attend ALL events; ensuring maximum participants are taken to each event. To try to attend all local events via public transport to enhance life skills.
Priority 2: Identify gifted and talented children, increase their participation levels and guide towards local community clubs.
Action 2; Working alongside Legacy Sport, create established links between local community clubs, to provide pathways to further competition and community activity for children.
Level 1 - Intra School Competition Level 3 - West Yorkshire Competition
Level 2 - Inter School Competition Level 4 - School Games National Event
- Utilise PE and Sport to drive and engage the boy heavy cohort of Littletown School. To channel children's attitudes and behaviours into more positive situations, in all aspects of school.
- Through the developing of children's agility, balance and co-ordination, improvements in motor skills should become more defined, with a focus on writing (including letter formation and presentation). being a core priority.
- Through the use of competition, nurture children to aspire to achieve their personal best through a culture of ambition, drive and passion.