We are mathematicians...
At Littletown, we believe that mathematics is an essential part of a child’s learning as it is integral to all aspects of life. With this in mind we endeavour to ensure that children develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards mathematics that allows them to explore new concepts and take risks in their learning. Our aim is for every child to develop mathematical fluency through our systematic approach of teaching skills that build on previous learning. Children will develop skills through reasoning with opportunities to discuss their thinking and understanding. This allows children to develop critical thinking and understand a concept in a more meaningful way. We promote problem solving and solution finding not only through our carefully planned sequential maths lessons but in almost all aspects of school life.
The laws of mathematics govern everything around us and is a subject that is applied to every field and profession, it also plays a crucial role in understanding the contents of other school subjects.
'I feel clever when I do my adding and take away sums' - Class 2 child
'I really like how I can see the links between multiplying and dividing' - Class 4 child
'I like how there are different levels we can work at in class, I like to challenge myself. If someone is struggling there is always help available.' - Class 6 child
Maths Curriculum
Early Years Maths Curriculum
Maths Strategy
Calculation Policy
Progression in calculations